About the research project

This research projec is related to how the Norwegian travel industry can strengthen its competitive position in a global market towards 2022 (WP1), and how this future position is supported by new models of organization of value chains and competence (WP2), open innovation

to develop new experiential services and new profitable volume concepts (WP3), digital co-creation of travel packages (WP4), and models for effective international sales and marketing (WP5).

The government’s strategic plan for the travel industry – Destination Norway (NHD 2012), argues that the travel industry now needs research that addresses the industry’s specific needs for knowledge and tools for change. This research should support the three objectives as formulated by the government: (1) higher value creation and productivity, (2) more all-year round jobs and financially healthier companies, and (3) development of more unique and valuable experiences that will attract customers with high willingness to pay. The government further points out that greater cooperation within the industry is the key to achieve those objectives, and that research is needed to develop knowledge about how actors in the travel industry can co-create value for its customers and other stakeholders.

This project aims at meeting the government’s plan for Norway’s travel industry. First, we have used significant amount of time and effort to involve successful and leading companies in the industry to become committed to the identification of research areas, financial contribution, active participation in the execution of the research project, and to establish an effective organization of the cooperation. Secondly, we have established a research group consisting of researchers from different relevant fields of knowledge and with varied experience with respect to research methods.

The research team consists of researchers from Buskerud University College, Agder Research and Menon Business Economics, in addition to our extensive international network. 

The travel industry partners include Forum for Reiseliv (FFR), Fjord Norway, Skistar, Alpinco, and Usus. FFR organizes the largest Norwegian travel companies: Norwegian, SAS, Choice, Rezidor, Rica, Thon, Scandic, Visit Oslo, Hurtigruten Group, Color Line, NSB, Alpinanleggenes Landsforening, in addition to LO. 

Om Reisepol

Reisepol er et forskningsprosjekt knyttet til hvordan den norske reiselivsbransjen kan styrke sin konkurranseposisjon i et globalt marked mot år 2022 (WP1), og hvordan denne fremtidige posisjonen kan støttes av nye modeller for organisering av verdikjeder og kompetanse (WP2), åpen innovasjon for å utvikle nye tjenester og nye lønnsomme volumkonsepter (WP3), digital co-creation of reisepakker (WP4), og modeller for effektivt internasjonalt salg og markedsføring (WP5).


Høyskolen i Sør-Øst Norge (HSN)

Postboks 235

3603 Kongsberg



Professor Kåre Sandvik v/HSN

Mobil: +47 917 11 535